Mr. Ryan Marangoni is 22 years old and come from Mississauga in Canada. He is a student in the 2-year Golf Course Turfgrass Management program at The Pennsylvania State University in the USA. The Penn State program, as it’s called, is famous worldwide for its very high academic standards and ability to produce successful superintendents.
Ryan got his start in the industry at Toronto Golf Club through a high school program. According to Ryan, "I he needed a job, didn´t have a car and the golf course was close by". Luckily he ejoyed the work and took the advice of his superintendent to go to Penn State to further his career. For his six month internship Ryan chose to leave his comfort zone and go to Europe to work at Sunningdale Golf Club in England. An experience he says has given him a lot of excellent knowledge not only about turfgrass management, but also in living in a new country. At Sunningdale GC, he felt he got to put his knowledge from university to practical use. Seeing a different management style, than he was used to at his previous golf course. After graduating, Ryan wants to combine two goals, which are to travel the world and gain more experience, before he feels ready to take a superintendents position. New Zealand stands out as a part of the world he would like to explore.
As Ryan is getting very close to graduating, I asked him how he feels Penn State helps to prepare students to take the leap in to working life. He told me the difference he felt from before to after university, was in his approach to challenges. "They teach us to be critical of everything, mostly ourselves". Not only of others but to own judgment in the sense that there are always more than one way to get where you want to go.
Asked about his time at Penn State, Ryan´s eye lighted up. Not only be cause of the college life and night life, but mostly, he says, of the people you are surrounded by, from the best professors and research in the industry to fellow students who are working toward a common goal. Asked about whether he would recommend the university to anyone, the response was a definite “Absolutely!”
BMW Success!
5 years ago
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